Bachelor’s degree in Work Relations


Duration: 5 years.

Transform work in personal growth and collective development. 

The centrality of work in our daily lives and its analysis as an integrative element in society, source of personal and social growth require professionals who will develop the labour potential in every organization, public or private. Organizing the way you work and the relationships that are established in their implementation represent management challenges, motivation and recognition from the person who works as a social actor and subject of law. 

Graduates will have the professional training that the world of work demands in the current social complex productive framework, with new identities and ways of relating as a base to the implementation of innovative and creative strategies to achieve new objectives. 

Professional field of action

As graduates, you will be able to work in a vast, flexible and dynamic way in the field of labour relationship, human resources, employment and administration, as well as in research and teaching. In addition to this, it enables the participation in the design of training programs within companies, public organizations and NGOs.